As partner of leading manufacturers of servers and storage-systems we advise independently and tailor your IT to measure.
Focus on performance and security
A resilient IT-infrastructure is the base of digital transformation. Our experts assist you to find innovative server and storage solution concepts and to implement them.
Together with New Vision we configure an IT-infrastructure tailored to your needs, which is able to cope with todays and future needs of digitalisation.
IT-infrastructure to your order
The first step to update your datacenter is an inventory-taking and analysis through our experienced system architects. We check your system architecture thoroughly for weak points and needed upgrades. We develop individual and tailored server and storage systems up to fully integrated solutions comprising hardware, software, management, virtualisation, storage and network technology (e.g. Hyper-Converged-Infrastructure).
On premises, hybrid architecture or pure cloud solution?
We evaluate several concepts and stages of a cloud implementation for your business.
Crucial with this: it has to fit to your business and your processes. Our cloud architects check your IT-infrastructure concerning all relevant parameters and advise, if an implementation of hybrid- and multi-cloud models make sense for you and will be profitable and actionable.
Technology of well-known manufacturers
You can rely on server and storage systems from us. We count on robust hardware and system technologies of established manufacturers, which is implemented modern architectures.
Our long-term experience in planing, sizing, installation and operation of server and storage infrastructures ensures optimal performance and scalability for you.
Our server concepts:
- Rack-, Tower-, Blade- and High-Density-Server
- Hyper-Converged-Infrastructure
- Modern processor architecture
- Virtualisation hosts and cluster (VMware or Hyper-V)
Efficient storage architecture for your data
Our IT-systemengineers realise robust and end-to-end scalable storage solutions, where operating systems, netzworks, applications and storage media are optimized to each other and additionally fit ideally to your existing IT-infrastructure.
Only like this we can achieve the needed performance and shape the structures of your business more efficently.
Storage concepts with newest technologies:
- SAN / NAS / DAS / Unified Storage / Object-Storage
- Storage-Virtualisation
- Storage-on-Demand
- All-Flash-Storage
- Hyper-Converged-Infrastructure
- Efficient: deduplication and in-line compression
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